We understand costs and budgets. But when you are getting bids on projects and services are you able to take good customer service into account? Last year in Forbes there was an article that addressed just that. The fact that the "big guys" can always provide you with a lower price. If that's all you need then wonderful. If however you need someone to listen and to respond accordingly then you may want to consider that when looking at bids. Here is what Forbes said in their article.
"Value and experience continue to trump price. Unless a company wants to be recognized as a low-cost provider, the value proposition of good customer service can make price less relevant. That’s how smaller independent retailers can compete against big box stores. Think about how Ace Hardware stores compete against big box stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s. Ace Hardware stores are typically a fraction of the size, don’t have as wide a selection, and may not have the lowest price, yet they not only survive, they thrive. This concept is not limited to retail. It crosses into all types of businesses and industries." We are not one of the proverbial "big guys" and as such we may have higher prices. That said we also know that we deliver a higher level of customer service than those "big guys" ever will. If you and your company place a value on that then please call us today. https://www.forbes.com/sites/shephyken/2017/01/07/10-customer-service-and-customer-experience-cx-trends-for-2017/#3370e0d575e5
The link below leads to some helpful ideas in regards to conversations one should have with their cleaning company. Take especial note of this: "Office managers should sit down and meet with their cleaning staff throughout the year, but especially prior to and during flu season. They should discuss disinfecting frequency of high-touch surfaces such as door handles and telephone receives and handwashing techniques. "
Great advice! https://www.cleanlink.com/search.aspx?cof=FORID%3A9&cref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cleanlink.com%2FAnnotationCL.xml&q=Prevent+The+Spread+Of+Germs+In+An+Open+Office |
The founder and owner of CJ Cleaning and Maintenance. ArchivesCategories |